Friday, August 19, 2016


I was cleaning off my desk this morning and found a few name badges from conferences I attended. You’ve probably got one yourself in a drawer. You can also purchase these at an office supply store. Here are some interesting ways to recycle those old name badges in your classroom as you provide PURPOSEFUL PRACTICE FOR AUTOMATICITY (aka repetition).

Skills - Choose skills you are working on (letters, words, numerals, colors, shapes, etc.) and wear them in the name badge. Sing this song to the tune of “If You’re Happy and You Know it:”
If you can read this word, letter, shout it out.
If you can read this ______, whisper it out.
If you can read this ______, spell it out.
If you can read this ______, shout it out.

Here’s another chant to reinforce skills.

Teacher says:
I know color, numeral, shape, etc. 

Yes, I do.
I know _____. How about you?
Children repeat:
We know ______. Yes, we do.
We know ______. Just like you!

Hint! This is a great way to reinforce vocabulary words or the word of the day.

Letters, Words, Shapes, Numbers…. You’ll need badges for all the children in your room for this activity. Cut paper to fit in the badge and then write whatever skill you want your students to master on the paper and place it in the badges. Pass these out at the beginning of the day and have children walk around the room and shake each other’s hands as they say the skill. Instead of calling students by their names call them by the letter or word in their badge.

Special Event - When a child has a special event in their life, make a badge for them to wear. For example: “I’m a new big brother.” “I scored a goal at my soccer name.”
Hint! Encourage faculty members to recognize these badges.

Ask Me About - To celebrate a skill (writing their name, recognizing all the letters, reading sight words) a child has achieved, write “Ask me about skill” on the badge. For example: “Ask me about counting to l00.” “Ask me about writing my name."

B.A. and M.S. - When children show proficiency in addition, make a badge that says, “Name has earned a B.A. (Best in Addition).” For subtraction write, “Name has earned an M.S. (Master in Subtraction.)"

Expert - If you are doing a unit of study, individualize instruction by allowing children to choose a topic they are interested in. After doing “research,” they write their area of "expertise" and wear it in their name badge. Children walk around the room and ask each other questions.
*This would be great for INQUIRY HOUR.