Saturday, September 3, 2016


I hope you're having a fantastic and memorable Labor Day Weekend. Although you shouldn't be "laboring," I bet you're already thinking about your lesson plans for the upcoming month. Here's a special day you'll want to remember.

Grandparents' Day will be celebrated on Sunday, September 11th, this year. Someone told me that everyone should just skip being a parent and go directly to being a grandparent. Believe me, being a grandparent is one of life’s most precious JOYS. Even if you are not a biological grandparent, every teacher is a grandparent to some child. You think the sun rises and sets with them and they are absolutely WONDERFUL!

I have only sweet memories of my grandparents. My grandfather used to put me on a stool and let me help him make canned tomato soup when I visited. That was the BEST soup in the whole, wide world. My grandmother would always let me have a tea party and she never said, "Only one spoonful of sugar!" (You know, it's interesting that so many of my memories of life involve food. Is that just me or is the same true for you?)

This would be a good week to have children write or draw pictures about their grandparents and what they enjoy doing with them. You could also give children art supplies so they could make cards for their grandparents.
Here is a song that my daughter wrote for Grandparents Day. The link will take you to my website where you can download the vocal or instrumental version.

Grandparents’ Day - (Tune: “Simple Gifts”)
Grandma and Grandpa we just want to say
How much we love you on this special day.
With smiles and kisses and bear hugs, too
We want to say thanks for all that you do!
You make us feel like superstars!
You help us to see how wonderful we are.
The love and the time that you have shared
Will stay with us always and everywhere!
We play games together, we go for walks
We go out fishing or just sit and talk
We read books together and have so much fun!
Every moment with you is a special one.
You make us feel like superstars!
You help us to see how wonderful we are.
The love and the time that you have shared
Will stay with us always and everywhere!


Catch me a fish and I eat for a day. Teach me to fish and I eat for a lifetime!