Monday, September 26, 2016


Engagement is a term that is appearing frequently in educational discussions because so many teachers seem to be struggling with getting children to focus and pay attention. Children are increasingly disengaging from the real world because they are living in a passive state on the screen.

First thing to do is TURN EVERYTHING OFF! If there is a screen on the children will look at it and not at you.
Here are some other tips to engage your students.

1. Look children in their eyes and smile. I don’t care where I go when I sing “I like you there’s no doubt about it” I have the children in the palm of my hand.
     I Like You (Tune: “Shortnin’ Bread”)
     I like you, there’s no doubt about it. (Point to self and then a friend.)
     I like you, there’s no doubt about it.
     I like you, there’s no doubt about it.
     You are my good friend. (Point to friend and then self.)

2. Give your students 100% of your attention. Be in the moment!!! Send the message that YOU are the most important thing in the world right now. I’m giving you my best and I need to you to do the same.

4. Be enthusiastic! Teachers can add the magic to anything with their facial expression, voice, and body language.

5. Be dramatic and break into a song or do something silly. The brain loves novelty!

6. Physical proximity! Get close to your students. Create an intimate space by having the children sit on the floor in a circle. A gentle touch can send a positive message to the brain.

7. Use their name frequently. You might have a child day dreaming and simply saying their name will bring them back to reality.

8. Do a movement activity to focus those busy hands. Lead children in a cheer or a clapping pattern. Use call backs and attention grabbers.
     Tootsie Roll
     Tootsie roll, (Roll hands around each other.)
     Lollipop. (Pretend to lick a lollipop.)
     We’ve been talking, (Open and shut fingers.)
     Now let’s stop! (Make sign language sign for “stop.”)
     Give Me a Clap (Tune: “Addams Family”)
     Give me a clap. (Clap twice.)
     Give me a clap. (Clap twice.)
     Give me a clap, give me a clap,
     Give me a clap. (Clap twice.)
     Give me a snap. (Snap twice.)
     Give me a snap. (Snap twice.)
     Now fold your hands and put them down
     Into your lap. (Model putting your hands in your lap.)

     Call Backs
     Teacher says: Hands on top (Place hands on head.)
     Children respond: Everybody stop (Children freeze.)
     Teacher says: Macaroni and cheese.
     Children respond: Freeze please (Children freeze.)
     And so forth….

     Hamburger Cheer
     Show me your hamburger meat. (Hold out palms.)
     Make a hamburger. (Pretend to pat meat between hands.)
     Put it on the skillet. (One palm out facing down.)
     Ssssssss! (Make sizzling sound and wiggle hand.)
     Is it done?
     Not yet. (Turn over palm and shake head “no.”)
     Ssssssss! (Make sizzling sound and wiggle hand.)
     Is it done?
     Not yet. (Turn over palm and shake head “no.”)
     Ssssssss! (Make sizzling sound and wiggle hand.)
     Is it done?
     Well done! (Thumb up!)
9. Use positive redirection to get them to do what you want them to do. Instead of saying, “Sit down and be quiet,” trying singing this tune:

     Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Lap  (Tune: "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes")
     Head, shoulders, knees, and lap, (Point to appropriate body part.)
     Knees and lap.
     Head, shoulders, knees, and lap, (Point to appropriate body part.)
     Knees and lap.
     Legs are criss-cross applesauce (Cross legs and fold hands.)
     And our hands are in our lap, lap, lap.

10. Lower your voice and pretend to be calm as you cross your hands and smile.

I’m doing two free concerts at Charleston schools this afternoon and you better believe I’ll be putting my money where my mouth is and using these strategies! If I get home in time I’ll go live on Facebook and demonstrate some of these. Stay tuned about 5 EST!