Tuesday, September 20, 2016


September 21st is actually World Gratitude Day, but I wanted to give you a heads up for tomorrow so you might include a little something special in your lesson plans.  World Gratitude Day was started in Hawaii in 1965 at an international gathering and the founders explain why:

The awareness of the benefits of having time in one’s life for gratitude, appreciation, and positive reflection have become increasingly apparent. The hope of the founders of Gratitude Day is that by taking time, one day a year, to reflect on the many amazing things we have in our lives, it would positively impact our well-being and make us happier, more contented people.

Yes, there are problems in the world (many, many problems) and difficulties with our jobs as educators (many, many troubles), but, just for today, look for the good and be grateful. Start the day by telling your students something you are grateful for and then ask them to each state something they are grateful for. As a writing activity, let them make a “grateful web” or a book called “Things to Be Happy About.” They could also make a collage in art by cutting out pictures from magazines or the newspaper of things they are grateful for.
“With Apologies to None” is something I found years ago. I have no idea of the original source, but I share my version with you today.


When I am introduced as a teacher, I generally hear a very flat, “Oh.” I have never been certain whether that is an expression of sympathy, pity, or disinterest. Always I wish I had time to explain to them like this. Yes! I’m a teacher and I love my job!

Where else would a handsome and very young man put his arms around me and ask, “Do you know I love you?”

Where else could my limited wardrobe be complimented or have someone say, “You sing pretty.”

Where else could I eat a soiled cookie from a grimy little hand and not become ill?

Where else could I have the privilege of wiggling loose teeth and receive the promise that I may pull them when they are loose enough?

Where else could I guide a chubby little hand that some day may write a book or important document?

Where else could I get to play outside, laugh, sing, read and get paid for it?

Where else could I forget my own aches and pains because of so many scratched knees, bumped heads, and broken hearts that need care?

Where else could I forget about taxes and our country’s political problems because Josh isn’t adjusting as he should and Margo needs help with her math?

Where else could my mind stay so young as with a group whose attention span is so short that I must always keep a bag of tricks up my sleeve?

Where else could I feel so good at the end of each day because I made a child smile, taught a child to read, helped a child believe in herself, gave a child a dream, and made this world a better place.

Yes, I’m a teacher and I LOVE my job!