Monday, October 3, 2016


I was going to call this blog "bookies," but that might be a little misleading. If the directions are confusing I'll try and do "Facebook Live" tonight at 5 EST to demonstrate these. And, I might have a special guest!!!!

If you've ever been to my workshops you know I LOVE blank books and here's why!
1. They are open-ended and perfect for differentiated instruction.
2. Blank books are more engaging and creative than worksheets.
3. Blank books can be used across the curriculum.
4. These books can be adapted for any standards or content you want to reinforce.
5. There is "ownership" when children make books. It's empowers them to believe "I AM A WRITER AND A READER!"
6. Children can take these home and can talk to their parents about what they are learning. And for those children who don't have books in their home, this is a really good thing. 

7.  And last, but not least, with all the time spent on an electronic device, it is very satisfying for children to create something with their hands.  Paper feels good!

Snip Snap Book
Directions: Fold two sheets of paper in half. Make tears (or snips) about a thumbnail apart down the fold. (If you want to cut little snips with scissors you can, but I like using small motor skills.)  Bend one tab forward, then the next backward, and so on to bind the pages together.
Use for: retelling a story/story elements
             letter book/vowel book
             number book/shape book
             coordinate with a unit or theme
             environmental print/cut out words they can read
             word families, opposites
             write the room
             writing original stories, journal
             note taking
             vocabulary/spelling words
                      Monday – write a word on each page
                      Tuesday – write the definition
                      Wednesday – illustrate or cut out a picture
                      Thursday – write a sentence

             “The Book”/ “A Book”
Hint! Fold paper lengthwise to make a tall book.

Cut paper in half to make a little book.

Use a colored sheet of paper on the outside and a white sheet on the inside.
Note!  We made this book one morning in a seminar and a teacher remarked, "O.K.  I've learned enough.  I can go home now!"

Little Books
Directions:  Lay four to six pieces of paper on top of each other. Staple the four corners. Cut into fourths, and you’ll have four little books.

Use for: days of the week (seven sheets of paper)
             seasons (four sheets of paper)
             senses (five sheets of paper)
             planets, continents, etc.

Skinny Books
Directions:  Make long skinny books by stapling four times down the short side and cutting across horizontally.
Use for: writing names left to write
             practice pre-writing strokes
             repeating patterns
             writing numerals
             sight words or spelling words
             writing sentences