Thursday, November 17, 2016


Let’s make a backpack we can take on our bear hunt!  You'll need lunch bags, scissors, markers, and glue.

1. Make two dots about 1/3 down from the top corners of the bag as shown.
2. Cut down on the corners to the dots and stop.
3. Fold the front section of the bag down and hold it with your hand. Cut off the remaining 3 sides.
4. Fold down the front section to make the backpack.
5. Cut the section of the bag you cut off in half lengthwise to make the two straps. Fold the ends and glue to make loops.

6. Glue the loops to the back of the bag for straps.

7. Let children decorate their backpacks with crayons or markers.

Hint! Attach a piece of Velcro to the flap to close.

Note! This is a little complicated to you will need to do it with a small group at a time.

So, now you’ve got your backpack, how can you use it?

Use the backpacks for “homework.” Have children bring in something that starts with a sound…two things that rhyme…environmental print they can read…a picture of something they are thankful for…

Send home copies of nursery rhymes, finger plays, songs, recipes or other activities children can do with their families.

Send home flash cards with letters, sight words, math facts, or other skills children need to practice.