Monday, November 21, 2016


No matter how you say it, I met some great teachers in Louisville last week.

Brain Dough
Call play dough “brain dough” when using it to reinforce skills (like make objects that start with a sound, make an animal you are studying, create geometric shapes, etc.).

Counting Hands
Fill surgical gloves with rice and tie at the bottom. Children will enjoy using these to count and work out simple math problems.

Pat Gusoff (
Pat shared more good ideas than I could use in a dozen blogs. She’s a teacher of 4-5 year olds at Temple Trager Early Childhood Center and she is passionate about helping children sing, dance, explore, and express!!! Check out some of her amazing HANDS ON learning fun!

Personal Puzzles
Ask each family to send in a picture of their child the dimensions of 4 duplo blocks. Use clear packing tape and add the child’s number and name to other sides of the blocks. Save puzzles in individual berry baskets.
Scoop and Match
Foam letters, trays, and measuring cups from the dollar store.
Say It and Spell It
Yard Sale Teepee for Buddy Reading
5 Little Turkeys to Retell
Shower Curtain Bean Bag Toss
Unifix Cubes and Feather Fun
Shower Curtain Rings with Ribbon
                                Counting Frame with Swim Noodles