Saturday, November 19, 2016


I was looking through some old photos  and found a few ideas I wanted to share with you today.

Good-Bye Book
Leaving a school in the middle of the year can be heart wrenching to children. Before they leave let each classmate draw a picture and write or dictate something special about them. Put their drawings together and add a class photo to make a book. It will give the child leaving a special memory they can take with them.
Chalk Board Table
Is this cool? Ms. Smalls found an old table they were going to throw away. She painted the top with chalkboard paint and let the children write special messages, draw pictures, write sight words, etc. on it. The kids LOVED it!

You know all those seasonal sticky designs you can put on windows. What a great center activity using cookie sheets!
*The alphabet ones would be perfect for writing words.

Toot a Roo
I don't know why I got such a kick out of this idea a teacher shared, but it's right up my alley.  Cut paper towel rolls in half and let children decorate them with markers and stickers.  When you want to celebrate or cheer an accomplishment all the children get out their "toot a roos" and go "toot toot toot toot toot toooo!"