Sunday, April 16, 2017


Are you busy dying eggs, hunting eggs, or laying eggs today?  Here's a true story about how I used to lay eggs for my kindergarteners.  

In the old days we had "snack" that we provided.  We tried to encourage the children to try healthy foods and so one day we had hard boiled eggs.  I think the kids groaned when they came in from recess and saw the hard boiled eggs on the table.  While they weren't looking I took an egg, tucked it in my skirt between my legs, sat down on the floor, and started flapping my arms like a chicken as I made a clucking sound.  I released the egg, stood up, and they all thought I'd laid the egg.  They said, "Do it again!  Do it again!"  I explained that I was all worn out from laying their eggs for snack, but the next time we had hard boiled eggs I'd do it again.  Well, guess what?  They wanted hard boiled eggs for snack every day.  As time went on they became much wiser and made me turn around to make sure I didn't have an egg behind me...yes, I became wiser as well...but I can't tell you all my secrets!


Here's another funny story about an egg hunt.  I was visiting a Head Start when a mother brought in a big bag of duck eggs.  They were brown and green and beautiful.  The teacher remarked, "They are still warm.  Wasn't that nice of her to boil them for us?"  Well, the next day the teachers hid the eggs on the playground, but this story doesn't have a happy ending.  Apparently, the eggs were not cooked.  They were just warm from being under the ducks or in the car.  They cracked all over the children, their baskets, their get the picture.  

Blessings for a beautiful weekend wherever you are and whatever you are doing!