Wednesday, April 5, 2017


Here's a link to the Facebook Live video I did yesterday afternoon 
on books you can make with your class.

Wait, don’t throw that away! Recycle it into a book for your classroom.

Gift Bag Books

Purchase seasonal gift bags or ask parents to send in used gift bags. Cut the front and back off. Cut blank paper the size of the bag and give each child a sheet to decorate. Staple between the front and back and reattach the handle. These are fun to hang in your classroom library.
Napkin Book
Cut paper the size of seasonal or holiday napkins and staple inside.

Cereal Box Book
Ask children to bring in the empty box from their favorite cereal.  Cut the front off the boxes and add this sentence:  "Child's name eats cereal name."  Put the box fronts together and make a book that all your students can read.
*Older students could write their own descriptions of why they like that cereal.
Dog Biscuit Book 
Use a box of dog biscuits to make a book about the children’s pets.
Animal Cookie Book
Cut the front and back off a box of animal cookies. Let children draw pictures of their favorite zoo animal and staple them between the covers. Reattach the string.
Cracker Jacks Prize 
A box of Cracker Jacks can turn into a book of “wishful thinking” because each child can contribute a picture of what they would like to find for a prize In a box of Cracker Jacks.

Funny Money Book
Copy the front and back of a $20 bill.  Cut paper the size of the bill and staple it in the copy to make a book.  Children write/draw what they would buy with $20.
Note!  My copy machine is much smarter than I thought!  I tried to copy a real twenty dollar bill and it wouldn't do it.  I guess it didn't want me to go to jail for counterfeit!  I found this one when I searched "play money" on the internet.