Thursday, May 11, 2017


I'm counting the hours until FACEBOOK LIVE AT FIVE this afternoon, but I bet you're counting the number of days you have left in the school year!

Days Left in the Year Song

Count down as you sing this song to the tune of “100 Bottles of Pop on the Wall.”
(Number of days) left in the school year.
(Number of days) left, that’s so.
We’ve had fun, we’re almost done.
(Number of days) to go.

Count Down Chain

Let each child make a paper chain with the number of days left in the school year. Each day they can remove one strip.
*Make a bulletin board with balloons for the number of school days left. Pop one balloon each day. (These could be real balloons or paper balloons.)

Time Line

Give each child a long strip of paper or a sentence strip.  Ask children to draw what they looked like when they started the school year on the left and what they look like now on the right. They can fill in the middle of the time line with special memories. (You might need to brainstorm or show photos to spark their memories.)

Ten Things 

Have each child make a list of ten things they would like to do over the summer. (Younger children could dictate five things they would like to do.) 
*Send these home in your “end of year” letter to parents.
*Fold these up like paper airplanes and send them flying on the playground.