Tuesday, June 20, 2017


We all know how critical it is to involve parents in their child's education.  These books provide a hands-on activity that will encourage parents to talk to their children about school and what they are learning.  The books will also be a great addition to your classroom library.

Home-School Alphabet Book
Send a page with a letter on it home with each child. Ask them to decorate it with their 

parents. Put the letters together to make a class ABC book.
Home-School Number Book
Create a take home number book that every child can add to and will enjoy reading. Include a note so parents will know what to do. The first child takes the book home and makes a set of one on the first page. The second child takes the book home and makes a set of two on the second page. The third child….etc.

Brain Hug Song (Dara Gee, Lawton, OK)
(Tune: “If You’re Happy”)
I’m wrapped up (Extend arms and cross.)
Twisted up (Clasp fingers.)
Tangled up (Bring clasped hands under and next to chest.)
With self control.
I’m wrapped up (Extend arms and cross.)
Twisted up (Clasp fingers.)
Tangled up (Bring clasped hands under and next to chest.)
With self control.
I take care of me
With responsibility.
I’m wrapped up (Extend arms and cross.)
Twisted up (Clasp fingers.)
Tangled up (Bring clasped hands under and next to chest.)
With self control.

15 Minutes of Walking/Exercise
Try building 15 minutes of walking each day as you count, sing letter songs, say days of the week, months, and review other information.

Twiddle Your Thumbs (Janice Biederman)
While waiting, have the children twiddle their thumbs forwards, backwards, fast, slow, happy, sad, and so forth.
Electronic Books vs. the REAL Thing
Download a copy of a favorite children’s book on your Kindle, IPad, etc. Let the children compare and contrast illustrations from the real book and the electronic format.

Laptops for Every Child
A teacher explained at her first parents’ meeting that she recommended that every child needed at least one laptop – two if possible. It’s not the kind of laptop that you plug in, but the kind with two knees. This laptop is perfect for reading, talking, hugging, and singing!

Name Cards and Secret Words (Crystal and Shelley, Long Beach, CA)
Make name cards for each child. On the back of each card write a sight word. Look for a word embedded in the child’s name. (Almost everybody’s name has a “secret word” inside.) For example, Lindsey has “in.” John has “oh.” Ashley has “as.”
Number Yoga (Michelle Drees, Danbury, IA)
Have children hold yoga positions as you practice counting.
(Scholastic has a cool alphabet book of yoga poses!)

Bear Hug Letter (Susan Finklestein, Montgomery, AL)
Send home a note shaped like a bear that says, “My teacher is so proud of me. Give me a bear hug!”