Tuesday, November 21, 2017


I am truly grateful for each teacher that I meet and every child that sings with me. You inspire me and keep me going!

Take a look at the ideas teachers shared with me this fall and you’ll understand why I still love to learn!

Letter Chant (Kim Henderson)
Use this chant to review letters and sounds during transitions. Hold up flash cards with letters as you slap your thighs and clap your hands.
What is this letter? (slap thighs twice)
(Children say the letter.)
What does it say? (clap hands twice)
(Children make the sound.)
What is this letter…

*I found these letters at mrprintables.

Criss Cross Applesauce (Eva Thompson)
Tell children to put their spoons (hands) in their bowls (lap).

Christmas Suitcase (Eva Thompson & Christi Harmon)
In December study Christmas around the world and discuss different traditions and food. On the last day make a suitcase out of a brown bag and fill it with postcards so children can draw about each country.

Sight Word Rings (Valerie Finley)
Write sight words on fun shapes like animals, trains, flowers, etc. Punch holes in the shapes and put on a book ring. Send home with the children to practice every night.

Birthday Book (Jennifer Phelps)
Have children draw pictures for friends when it’s their birthday. Put them in a book that they can keep at home forever!

Comfort Dogs
Have you heard about these amazing pets that are trained to visit people at nursing homes, schools, hospitals, and disaster situations? Visit Esther’s facebook page to learn more: EstherComfortDog.

Magnet Pompoms (Jan Platto)
Glue magnetic pieces to colorful pompom balls. Children can use them on a magnetic board to make pictures, do math activities, make letters, or just use their imaginations!

mpom Erasers (Carmen Griffith)
Glue color matching pompoms to the end of dry erase markers. Students will quickly be able to erase their work.
Mr. Munch (Lindsey Koning)
Use a Cascade dishwasher table container to make an alligator. Sing this song to the tune of “I Had a Little Turtle” as you reinforce different letters.
I have a hungry friend.
His name is Mr. Munch.
And what he likes to do all day
Is gobble up his lunch!
He likes the letter say letter!
And things that start with make letter sound.
And he is very happy
When he goes munch, munch, crunch!