Sunday, January 7, 2018


I don’t know about you, but when I was in the classroom January was always a LONG month. I started doing a little celebration every Friday for me as much as for the children. It gave us something positive to focus on and look forward to during the cold, dark days. This week I will share some of the Fantastic Fridays I did, as well as other special days to celebrate in January. These are the activities that build memories, create a classroom community, and nurture social-emotional development because they are positive and playful. Take a look and I hope you’ll find one or two that are just right to include in your January lesson plans to chase those winter blahs away!

Note! I even have a few coming up that will turn standards into a party!

Sock Hop

Children get to wear silly socks to school and have a dance at the end of the day.
*Teach the children the “Twist,” “Swim,” “Pony,” or other dances from your past.
Talent Show 
One of my favorite memories is of a Talent Show we had one Friday. I just invited all the children to think of a “talent” (song, dance, story, joke, gymnastic stunt) they could do. We sat in a circle and they all got up and performed! We clapped and laughed and cheered!

Board Game Day
Let children bring board games from home. Set aside the last hour in the day to share games and play games with friends.
Note! It might be good to have parent volunteers or older students in your school help.
Pajama Party 
Have children wear pajamas and bring pillows and stuffed animals to class. Read books, watch a movie, and eat popcorn.

Career Day 
Children come dressed for the career they’d like when they grow up. After sharing with friends, have each child draw a picture (or take a photograph) and make a class book.

Beach Party
Bring beach towels and wear sunglasses, shorts, and T-shirts. Play beach ball games, beach music, and have a “cool” snack like popsicles.
Toy Day 
Children bring a favorite toy from home and share with their friends the last 30 minutes of the day.

Book Day
Invite children to bring their favorite book from home and share with classmates.