Saturday, February 2, 2019


TODAY AT 1 (Eastern Time Zone)

One of my new "missions" is to encourage AUTHENTICITY with young children.  Finger plays are REAL!  There is no screen or music or clown costumes or puppets or polka dots!  It's just YOU looking in children's eyes and connecting with them visually, auditorially, kinesthetically, and emotionally.  Oh, and they are FREE!  It doesn't get much better than that!  

I've  heard people say, "Finger plays are old fashion." Well, you might call them that, but then you'd have to call chocolate chip cookies and mashed potatoes and BINGO and swings and hugs...old fashion as well. Let me share just a few things children can learn when you do a finger play. (You might want to enlighten some administrators or supervisors or parents with this information. Sometimes they just don't "get" what we do!)

– Doing a finger play is a natural way to engage children’s attention and help them focus.

Oral language – Repetition of finger plays builds oral language skills.

Auditory memory – Children activate their short term memory as they memorize finger plays.

Comprehension – Most finger plays have a simple story plot for children to follow.

Imagination – With so much time spent in front of a screen, finger plays encourage children to make pictures in their brains.

Sequence – Remembering the sequence in finger plays can help children retell stories.

Phonological awareness – Finger plays build a foundation for rhyme, rhythm and alliteration.

Eye-hand coordination – Visual connections with finger plays are important for writing and reading.

Small motor skills – Doing finger plays is like sending the fingers to the gym to exercise.

Active Learning - Multiple senses are engaged as children watch and wiggle their fingers and repeat rhymes.

Purposeful Practice for Automaticity (aka repetition) - Children will enjoy saying these rhymes over and over.

Brain Breaks - Children will be oxygenating the brain and crossing the midline as they do finger plays. Memorizing poems and rhymes is also good for short term memory.

Executive function – Children develop self-regulation and impulse control when they participate in finger plays.

Social skills – All children can be successful with finger plays with this group experience.

State Standards – You got it! Speaking, listening, comprehension, phonological awareness all rolled into one!

Skills for the 21st Century – You’ve got those, too, with communication and cooperation.

Transitions - Finger Plays can be used to entertain children during transitions or any time you’ve got a minute or two.

Sweet memories of doing finger plays with Kalina and K.J. 

There's one chance in a lifetime to do these activities with children 
because they grow up so fast!