Saturday, July 20, 2019


In the book THE SMARTEST KIDS IN THE WORLD, one key finding was the impact parents have on their child’s academic success. When parents are interested in what their children are learning at school and talk to them about it, the results are amazing. Parents who model reading and read to their children also contribute to school success.

What? copies of reading calendars for each month

Why? home/school connection, love of reading

When? Monthly

How? Run off these monthly reading calendars so you’ll be all set for the year. Each month send one home to encourage families to read with their children.

Note! Save these to review with your parents at conference time.

Hint! One teacher said she tells her parents, “All the children in my classroom need a laptop this year. Two laptops would be even better. These are not the kind of laptops that you plug in. They are the kind that come with two knees and are just right for talking and reading and loving!”

Monthly Activity Calendars

I also have free downloads for monthly activity calendars that would be fantastic “homework” for pre-k and k. One teacher suggested asking parents to do at least 10 and return it by the end of the month. Whether the parents choose to participate or not, you have to TRY! And if one parent sings a song, reads a book, or plays a game with their child because of you – that’s a good thing!!!