Monday, September 30, 2019


In the early 1900's musicians who traveled in rural Appalachia collecting old ballads were called "song catchers."  I've always considered myself an "idea catcher" as I've traveled around the US visiting schools and talking to teachers.

Here's a "Survival Kit" they gave the "SUPER HERO TEACHERS" at their SUPER Conference in  Fargo last weekend.  I'm definitely going to "borrow" (aka steal) this idea!


Here are some pictures I took a few weeks ago at the Courthouse Christian Preschool in VA Beach. "Rainbow Fish" is made from bottle caps. You could probably sell that in an art gallery in Manhattan!

What a quick way to display children's work with pant hangers. It'd be so easy to rotate work with these.

Several of the rooms used tree branches and then decorated them with twinkle lights and art projects the children created.


I want to go back to the classroom when I see these ideas!!