Friday, November 15, 2019


I'm not talking politics here. I'm talking about a characteristic that many perceive as a bigger predictor of life success and reading success than IQ. You know executive function is important when Cookie Monster is working on it with his song, "Me Want More But Me Wait!"

Definitions of EF are broad and diverse, but these are some common characteristics of the executive function:

Inhibition – can think about consequences before acting

Self-regulation – can stop oneself from inappropriate behavior

Initiation – starts new tasks independently

Delayed Gratification – resists immediate reward for a larger reward later

Adaptability and Flexibility – is able to shift focus and adapt strategies

Emotional Control – is aware of and can manage feelings

Focus – can attend to details and avoid being distracted

Does this sound like that "perfect student"?

My Office Space
With a personal “office” your students will be able to organize their work space and stay focused.

Materials: 2 file folders for each child, wide packaging tape, copy of class word wall, hundreds chart,markers, crayons, stickers, etc.

Directions Tape two file folders together for each child. Let them decorate the outside with markers, magazine pictures, trading cards, stickers, etc. Staple a copy of the word wall, correct letter formation, color words, or other pertinent information to the file folders. When children write in their journals or do independent work, they can stand up their “office” on their desk. 

Here are some helpful websites for teachers and parents: