Wednesday, March 18, 2020


Teachers, here is a video you can share with your 
families called "PLAY, LEARN, AND LOVE!"

As crazy as our world seems right now, we need to put our children first.  We need to remember that children want and need the same things they've always wanted.  They want to be loved, they want to feel safe, and they want to play and have fun!

This can be a great opportunity to GET UNPLUGGED and connect and PLAY with your child.  Consider turning off your phone, television, and other devices for 20-30 minutes each day and giving your child 100% of your attention.  You may be surprised that you enjoy it as much as they do!  Follow your child's lead and have FUN as you create special memories over the next few weeks.

Here are some “play activities” to get you started.  Cut them apart and place them in a sack.  Your child can choose an activity and then let the party begin!

Download Play Activities

Read a book.

Tell a joke.

Sing a song.
Play hide and seek.

Say a nursery rhyme. 
Play a card game.

Make a puppet.
Juggle two paper towels. 

Sit on the floor together. 

Build something with blocks.
Blow bubbles. 

Go outside and take a walk.
Cut pictures out of magazines. 

Play a board game. 

Skate on paper plates.

Look out the window.
Go on a nature walk. 

Make a wish.
Jump or hop as long as you can. 

Do a job together. 
Play a memory game. 
Write a letter.
Cook something together. 

Do a finger play.
Work a puzzle. 

Make a band of pots and pans.
Pantomime. Guess who I am? 

Play “I spy.”
Draw a picture. 
Put on a puppet show.
Make a book. 

Make a card for someone.
Play a rhyming game. 

Play with play dough.
String pasta or cereal on dental floss.

Draw with chalk on the sidewalk.
Play follow the leader. 

Make silly faces in a mirror.
Draw a picture. 

Put on some music and dance.
Give each other a back rub.


MORE?  Go to and put a topic in the search engine.  You're sure to get plenty of ideas.

You can also download this free book:
Download Play Dough Power - Free