Thursday, April 16, 2020


You are my BVFs (Best Virtual Friends)! It's true! I can't wait to share with you on Thursdays. I am thrilled to take your suggestions and come up with "Little Lessons" for online learning. Last week there were requests for activities for families, sight words, manners, rhyming words, subtraction, and Earth Day. Today I'll offer ideas for families, sight words, and manners. Tomorrow look for activities for helping children learn to rhyme. Next week will focus on Earth Day, recycling, the litter patrol, and more.


Talk about a GIFT! Julie Scully sent me this Scavenger Hunt book that I can SHARE with all of you! It's got so many fun activities in it that I might need to get Mr. Feldman to play with me!!!!

Here are two ways you can get your FREE copy! This is exactly what families need right now to play, learn, and have fun!!!

Click to download Scavenger Hunt


Here's a link to "MY WORD!" on my website. You'll find games, songs, and materials to make sight words taste "yummy"!

     My Word

There is also a FREE website that would be helpful to parents.

And if you don't know about Heidi Songs you'll definitely want to check out her clever tunes for helping children learn to readm

 Visit Heidisongs


You'll find a free link "Magic Words" to encourage children to use good manners. I also think it helps to teach children sign language for "please" and "thank you" so you can prompt them non-verbally.

Magic Words

There are two little magic words
That will open any door with ease.
One little word is, “Thanks!
And the other little word is, “Please!”

When you’d like to ask for someone’s help,
And you’re not sure where to begin.
“Please” will start you off,
and “thanks” comes at the end.

Click the Buy Now button and follow along. You should get a screen that lets you download the songs. In addition, you should receive an email with the links.

You know how much I love finger plays for oral language, phonological awareness, small motor skills, etc.  Many of the finger plays are also perfect for introducing subtraction to little children. 

Gummy Bears
Down at the candy shop what did I see?
Five little gummy bears smiling at me.  (Hold up 5 fingers.)
Along came (child’s name) with a penny one day.
He/she bought the green one and took it away.  (Put one finger down.)

Down at the candy shop what did I see?
Four little gummy bears smiling at me.  (Hold up 4 fingers.)
Along came (child's name) with a penny one day.
He/she bought the red one and took it away.  (Put another finger down.)

*Trace around a child's hand on construction paper and cut out.  Glue the palm to another sheet of paper.  Bend down one finger at a time as you sing the song. 


I'd like to think that all children have families who talk to them about what's going on in the world right now.  I'd like to think that parents are trying hard to make their children feel secure and have some family fun.  However, you and I know that isn't always the reality for our little ones.  Here's a video that Deborah Penney made to comfort her children.  I know something this sweet is like a "hug" for her students!


You can order Carolyn Kisloski's "home teaching grid" for next week here: