Tuesday, April 14, 2020


April is National Poetry month.  Why is poetry important to share with children?

Poetry develops oral language.
Poetry develops auditory memory.
Poetry helps children make print connections.
Poetry develops phonological awareness (rhyme, rhythm, alliteration).
Poetry enhances fluency.
Poetry develops vocabulary.
Poetry sparks children’s interest in reading.
Poetry helps children fall in love with language.

Parents and Poetry 

Here are some questions to start a conversation between parents and children about poetry.

Do you like poems? Why? Why not?

What’s your favorite poem?

Do you have a favorite poet?

Did you learn any poems when you were a child?

Do you have a poetry book? 

Pocket Poem 
Seal an envelope, cut it in half, decorate, punch holes, tie on a piece of yarn, and let children choose a favorite poem or nursery rhyme to tuck inside.

Here's a poem for your pocket that my daughter Holly wrote.

A Poem
By Dr. Holly

A poem, a poem
Is a very special thing.
It takes the words
And makes them sing.

A poem is a present,
A poem is a treat
With words piled like ice-cream
In your bowl to eat!

A poem, a poem
Is a treasure and an art
So always carry one
With you in your heart. 

Laurel Wreath
Just for fun, let children make laurel wreaths out of paper plates and leaves. The Greeks awarded these in Olympic events for sports as well as poetic meets. 

Poetry Café
How about a  poetry party where you serve hot chocolate instead of coffee.  Let children choose favorite poems for you to read or encourage them to recite nursery rhymes or finger plays.  Explain that in the coffee houses instead of clapping, the audience would “snap” their fingers for the poets.