Sunday, April 12, 2020


"Easter" blessings to all of you! Here are some songs to put in your heart!

Eighteen years ago Shari Sloane and I made a CD called "Sing,Little Children, Sing" with gospel songs that we grew up with, as well as some songs to teach the books of the Bible, Disciples, Ten Commandments, etc.  If you go to my website ( and put "June 2016" in the search engine you will be able to download a FREE copy of this CD.  You'll also be able to download the lyrics for the 22 songs.

Thanks for sharing HIS LOVE!

Here are songs on the CD: 
If you love the Lord, clap your hands 
Do Lord
Down in my heart (Joy)
This Little Light of Mine
Rise and Shine
I'll be a sunbeam  
Jesus loves the little children
Jesus loves the little ones like me
Happy all the time
He's got the whole world in his hands
Praise him
Sunshine mountain
Angels watching over me 
In my heart there rings a melody
Books of the Bible
Ten Commandments
Twelve Disciples
Do you know Adam and Eve? 
Jesus loves me
Into my Heart