Monday, May 4, 2020


Here are some great exercises you can do at home or at school. 

Push the Wall
Have the children put their hands up against the wall and push it as hard as they can. Ask them to do push ups against the wall.

15 Minutes of Walking/Exercising
Whether or not you have a Fitbit, try building 15 minutes of walking each day as you count, sing letter songs, say days of the week, months, spell words, and so forth

Shake Down
This is one of my favorite ways to energize the brain and shake out those wiggles.

Hold up your right hand and shake five times as you count.1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Hold up your left hand and shake five times as you count.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Hold up your right foot and shake five times as you count.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Hold up your left foot and shake five times as you count.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Count to four with each arm and leg…then three…two…one.
End by saying, “Oh yeah!” as you extend your arms and make the letter “Y.”

Brains Go Marching
Children can get an amazing amount of exercise simply by standing and marching in place. Here are some different ways you can march. Can you add to the list?          

Power march by swinging arms up and down as you lift your knees high.
March slow and then march fast.
March in a circle and then turn around and march in a circle in the opposite direction.
March like a toy soldier with stiff arms and legs.
March high and then march down low.
March on tippy toes.
Swish arms back and forth like windshield wipers as you march.

Want to march with me?