Thursday, May 14, 2020


Wakey!  Wakey!
It's going to be a great day!
I can't wait to demonstrate 
these attention grabbers
on Facebook Live at ten!!


We all know that YOU HAVE TO REACH THEM BEFORE YOU CAN TEACH THEM!  However, reaching them on a screen is a new challenge.  Here are a few tips I'll demonstrate today.

Surprise Them!
Brain Research 101 says the brain likes anything that is novel, challenging, and new. Wear a hat, silly pair of glasses, or use a strange voice.
Cut the top and bottom off a food box, insert the puppet on your hand, and then let the puppet pop out the box and sing a song, talk about an event, or say a rhyme.

Attention Grabbers
Teacher says:
“Hocus Pocus!” (Stick out index finger and circle around like a wand.)
Children respond:
“Everybody focus!” (Make circles around eyes like spectacles.)
*Practice this several times until it becomes automatic.

Finger Play

Do a finger play to focus those busy hands. As you end the "Finger Band" quietly and slowly it will pull them in.

The finger band is (Start with your hands behind your back
Coming to town, and wiggle them as you slowly bring
Coming to town, them in front.)
Coming to town.
The finger band is
Coming to town so early in the morning.

This is the way (Pretend to play drums.)
They play their drums…
This is the way
They twirl their hats… (Twirl hands around your head.)
This is the way (Pretend to play a horn.)
They play their horns…
(Let children suggest other instruments and motions.)

The finger band (Slowly wiggle fingers behind you
Is going away, as you lower your voice to a whisper.)
Going away, going away.
The finger band
Is going away so early in the morning.

Give Me a Clap
Lead children in a cheer or a clapping pattern.  Make it a game and challenge by saying, "Can you do this?"
If you can hear my voice, clap your hands one time.
In a softer voice say:
If you can hear my voice, clap your hands two times.
In a whisper voice say:
If you can hear my voice, please look at me.
Continue lowering your voice until children are focused on you.Puppet

Use callbacks

Teacher says: Hands on top.
Children respond: Everybody stop! (Put hands on head and freeze.)

Teacher says: Macaroni and cheese.
Children respond: Freeze please! (Freeze and look at the teacher.)

Teacher says: Ready?
Children respond: Spaghetti! (Stand up straight.)

Teacher: Okeedookee
Children: Artichokee

Teacher: Peanut butter
Children: Jelly

Teacher says: All set? (Snap fingers twice.)
Children respond: You bet! (Snap fingers twice.)

Teacher: Da da da da da...
Children: I'm loving it! (MacDonald's advertisement)

Teacher says: How do you feel?
Children respond: We feel good! Yeah! (Stick up thumbs.)

Use Their Name
If you have a child floating away simply saying their name will bring them back to reality.
You can sing, "If your name is (child's name) wave to me...If your name is (child's name) smile at me..."

Do a Cheer
Pretend to make a hamburger by patting your palms together. Make a sizzling sound and say, “Is it done yet?” Turn your hand over and say, “Not yet.” Repeat twice. After the third “Is it done?” give a thumbs up and say, “Well done!” 

Give yourself sparkles (open and close fits) and a rainbow (move palms like a rainbow across your body).

You’re the Best!
(Children repeat after the teacher. You could change the words to “I’m the best!” or “We’re the best!”)
Thumbs up. (Stick out right thumb.)
Across the chest. (Bring across to the left shoulder.)
Pat on the back. (Pat self on the back.)
Cause you’re the best! (Wrap arms around self and hug.)

Play a Game 
Simon says...
Put your hands on your knees.
Wiggle your nose.
Touch your toes...

Palm Writing
Children take their "magic finger" write on the opposite palm.  They can make shapes, letters, numbers, or even write words.  Make sure they "erase" (rub palm) in between.

P.S.  I found this idea when I was looking at some old blogs.  Wouldn't this work for your class meetings online?

Sharing Good News (Jessica Williams)
Write children’s names on craft sticks and place in a jar that says “Good News.” The teacher starts every morning by sharing her own “good news.” The children clap or cheer for her. Next, she pulls a stick and the class sings, "Tell me something good!" That child shares their good news and then the class does a cheer. The teacher pulls the second stick and they sing, "Tell me something good" and then cheer. Do three children each day and then put those who have had a turn in an envelope and start all over again when everyone 

has had a turn.