Sunday, May 24, 2020


One thing that Covid-19 can't impact is reading WITH and TO your child this summer!

Noises Off
Have a quiet time each day when all devices are TURNED OFF. If you don’t make this a priority and routine, it won’t happen. Not only should you expect your children to read, you need to enjoy a book and be a good model for them. In the book THE SMARTEST KIDS IN THE WORLD, an interesting finding was that parents who read with their children and modeled reading had a positive impact on academic success.

Rabbit Trap
“If you want to catch a rabbit, you have to have a rabbit trap.” And, if you want children to read, you have to create a unique place where they will want to read.

*Let children decorate a cardboard appliance box to be a “book clubhouse.”

*Make a tent and let them read with a flashlight.

*Brainstorm other places that would be fun to read.

Treasure Hunt Story
Prepare clues that will lead to a “treasure story.” (This is a special book that you have hidden outside.) For example:

1. A treasure hunt is so much fun. Near the swing is clue number one.

2. Clue number two should be easy, too. At the top of the back porch is something for you.

3. Clue number three you will find in a tree.

4. Now it’s time for clue number four. Look for it by the garage door…

*Tape the clues around your yard or playground ending with the spot where the “treasure story” is hidden. Encourage the children to help you read the clues and follow the directions. Find a shady spot outside and enjoy reading the book.

Summer Journal
Carolyn Kisloski created this free download last year and it’s a wonderful way to encourage children to write over the summer.

*I gave it to my granddaughter and she thought it was pretty cool to have “homework” to do.

Reading and writing should be a JOY, not a chore. The trick is finding the right book that they will WANT to read and finding something they WANT to write about.

Happy reading and writing!!