Sunday, May 17, 2020


Friends, most of you are like me and will NOT want to get on a plane this summer or be in large groups. The good news is that two of my favorite people are hosting virtual conferences. And they are FREE!! And you won't have to wear a face mask!!!  This is like winning the lottery!!!

Vanessa Levin's conference will focus on pre-k and preschool educators.

Note!  Copy and paste it into your browser.


Deanna Jump's conference is for K-1 Teachers.


It's kind of hard to sing and dance by yourself in front of a computer screen, so I hope you'll join me! Both conferences will have some of the top presenters in the country, and you won't want to miss learning the latest and greatest activities and strategies. 

Here's a special prayer that came in our church's weekly newsletter.  I was so touched by it that I wanted to share it with you.  It was written by Carol Ferguson at Crescent Springs Presbyterian Church.


Jesus, friend and teacher,
we pray to you for our students,
and for all they've lost,
for the games, meets, and matches,
the dances and dates,
the projects and performances,
the labs and studios,
the graduations and awards nights,
the chatter of the lunch room,
the meetups with friends,
the routines and normalcy.

Even so we give thanks
for the virtual learning,
the texts and tiktoks,
human connection through technology.
We lift up the flexibility, compassion,
perseverance, and creativity
of our students, your incredible children.

Help them grieve what they have lost,
celebrate the strength they have found,
and remember that they are never alone,
but always accompanied by your love.

We pray in your holy name.  Amen.