Monday, June 8, 2020


Wow!  Look at these ideas from South Dakota and Wisconsin from 2012!!  A good idea is a good idea!

Counting the Days (Nancy Heitz)
(Tune: “99 Bottles”)
Use number magnets or other visuals to show how many days children have been in school as you sing.
         17 days of school on the wall, 17 days of school.
         Tomorrow we’ll take another and add one more,
         It will be 18 days of school on the wall.

This song could be adapted for holidays or when REAL school begins again.

The Word on the Bus (Laura Gerlach)
Draw the outline of a bus and place flashcards on the bus as you sing:
The word on the bus is can, can, can.
The word on the bus is can.
C - A - N.  (Spell the word.)

Adapt for the numbers on the bus or the letters on the bus.
The letter on the bus is D, D, D.
The letter on the bus is D.
/d/ /d/ /d/

Attention Grabber (Vanessa Prasnicki)
Teacher sings to the tune of “Old MacDonald”:  
(Teacher’s name) had a class.
Kids respond:  “A – E – I – O – U”

This is another good call back that could be used any time and any place.

Picture Walk (Melissa Roel)
Invite your students to take a “picture walk” through a new book.  Ignore the words and have them focus on the pictures as you ask questions:
“What’s happening?”  
“Who is that?”
“Where are they?”
“What do you think this story is about?”
You can use this for vocabulary development, prediction, and other pre-reading skills.

Good readers are active readers.  This strategy could be used before reading the children a book online.