Friday, July 3, 2020


It's funny, but I was talking to my daughter about materials that young children needed if they were going to take classes online. My grandson overheard and said, "Why would they need play dough?" You might have parents or administrators ask you the same thing, so here are some reasons why each child should have an individual container of play dough.

*Play dough is multi-sensory, engaging, creative, and open-ended. Talk about playful and challenging!  And, it's reusable!

*Small Motor Skills - Pinching, squeezing, rolling, and molding dough is like sending little fingers to the gym. It’s great for fidgety fingers or to entertain children during transitions.


*Comprehension - Let children make their favorite character or something that they learned from listening to a book.

*Phonics – They can roll the play dough into letters and then make something that begins with that sound.


*Math – Children can make numbers or make objects that match numbers.
They could also show different ways to make numbers or roll shapes.

Here's the link to a free book with more learning activities and fun with play dough.