Tuesday, August 11, 2020


It’s often been said that, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care!” That is particularly true with children and their parents!  I shared the brochure below at some "online" back to school workshops that I did.  Several teachers sent messages asking for more details, so here you go!

Make a brochure about yourself, your school, and fun activities you have planned for the year and mail it to the children before school begins. To make a brochure, fold a sheet of paper into thirds. On the front section write “Welcome to your name’s Classroom Family!” On the left section place a picture of yourself and write some personal information about your family, pets, experience, etc. On the inside write “We’ll have a great year together…" list all the fun activities with pictures.

*I think an emoji paper doll teacher would be a big hit as well.  
Note!  That Dr. Jean doesn't have any wrinkles!!!

Tell Me About Your Child
Give parents an envelope and ask them to write you a letter about their child.  What a simple way to encourage parents to share special information and show how much you care!