Saturday, September 12, 2020


My husband and I are huge college football fans, and that means today is a happy day!  With all the Covid woes, we definitely need something to distract us and give us something to cheer for.  Football can also be a “kick off” for integrating some skills in your lesson plans.

College Goals

It’s never too early to plant seeds of attending college in your students. Give them a dream and a goal! 

*Have the children brainstorm all the colleges and universities in your area. Talk about why it is important to go to college. 

*Encourage your students to think about where they would like to go to college. Give them paper shaped like pennants or jerseys to decorate with their college dream. 

Graph favorite teams.
Predict who will win the game. Who was right? Who was wrong?
Predict what the score will be. Who was closest? 

*Let children choose a favorite player and write their number on a jersey. How many math facts can they think of to equal that number?

Social Studies
Use a map of the United States and locate where games will be played.

Internet Search
Look up team mascots and colors. Listen to college fight songs. Do exercises to fight songs.

Cut pictures of players out of the newspaper or sports magazines. Challenge children to write creative stories about favorite players. 

*Have children write letters to favorite players.

Team Mascots
This game can be adapted to any school mascot, action hero, or seasonal character. Since I graduated from the University of Georgia, UGA was my first choice. This is a quick, simple game that can be played with any age level or any skill that needs to be reinforced. 

WHY? shapes, colors, letters, words, numerals, math facts, etc. 

WHAT? flash cards, picture of a favorite school mascot, pocket chart
HOW? Have children identify the information on the flash cards as you place them in the pocket chart.  Tell the children to hide their eyes slip the mascot under one of the flash cards. The children open their eyes and take turns guessing where the mascot is hidden.  The teacher turns over flash cards until the mascot is found. 

*Ask children their favorite school mascot.  Which mascot would they like to be?