Wednesday, October 28, 2020


The ATTRIBUTE WEB another great graphic organizer that can be used with different age

levels across the curriculum.  It can be used as a large group, small group, or individual project. 

Concept – Write something you are studying and have children add details.

Phonics – Put a letter in the middle and ask children to draw pictures or write words.

Prefix/Suffix – Write the prefix in the middle and children make words.

Vocabulary – Children write synonyms.

Feelings and social skills – Put an emotion in the middle and children give examples.

Brainstorm a new unit – Children write all they know about a theme you are going to study.

Assessment – Children “show” what they have learned with an attribute web.

Hint! Make the web symbolic of what it is about. For example: a spider web with details about spiders; a flower with information about plants; a smiley face with ways to be a friend; a triangle with things that are triangular, etc.


Here's a special Halloween Treat that Michelle Lewis is sharing with you.