Friday, December 4, 2020


There's nothing quite as sweet as little hands and little feet! You can trace around your children's hands and cut them out, or let the children dip their hands in paint and print.

P.S. These hand and feet projects make great bulletin boards. The hand tree or wreath could be used on your door. The reindeer could be used for "Teacher's name Herd." Or, how about "Teacher's name Little Angels."

Hint! Use fabric paint and make holiday shirts with handprints and footprints.



Candy Canes
This is a craft idea that you can use to decorate your classroom. Take a square sheet of paper (8 1/2" x 8 1/2" works well) and color around the edges with a red marker or crayon. (Demonstrate how to cut a square by folding up the bottom edge to the side to make a triangle. Cut off the top and you'll always have a square.) Put a pencil at a bottom point and roll up as shown. Tape the end, remove the pencil, and use as a pointer or decoration.


*Use the candy cane as a prompt for descriptive writing. Children could also brainstorm creative ways to use candy canes or write original stories about how candy canes were invented.


Jingle Bell Painting

You will need an empty chip container or similar cylinder shape with a lid. Cut a piece of paper so you can roll it and put it in the cylinder. Take two jingle bells. Drop one in red paint and the other in green paint. Use a spoon to transfer the bells to the can. Put on the lid, then shake up the can as you sing “Jingle Bells.” Take out the paper and you’ll have a jingle bell painting!