Saturday, December 26, 2020


It’s the day after Christmas and time for leftovers and cleaning. I hope you all have a special memory to treasure in your hearts. It’s sad to put away the lights and the “merry” until next year, so here are a few (inexpensive) ideas to make yourself feel better today!  I've also got a few "happies" for your lesson plans in 2021.

1. Go for a walk or get some exercise.

2. Call someone (yes, on the phone) you haven’t talked to in a long time.

3. Read a book.

4. Go to a movie.

5. Make some hot chocolate or have a cup of tea.

6. Take a bubble bath.

7. Put on some favorite music and dance by yourself.

8. Look at photos or videos of Christmas.

9. Take an imaginary vacation on the internet.

10. Make a list of all the things you have to be happy about.

Note!  You all have such unique "classroom" arrangements this year that it's difficult to write a blog that will meet everyone's needs.  Please think of my blog as a BUFFET and pick, choose, and adapt what will work for you.

Hot Chocolate Friday
I LOVE this idea! Ask each parent to send in a box of instant hot chocolate and an old coffee mug. End your week by letting each child stir up some hot chocolate. Read poems, say rhymes, read books, and fall in love with language as you sip your hot chocolate together!
Dress Up
We always looked forward to dress up days. Pajama parties, beach day (Yes, in January!), what I want to be when I grow up, my favorite book character, hat day, and silly sock day are just a few ideas. You can easily tie these in with units of study or literature. (Goodness, don’t forget about “instructional time”!)

Game Day
This was on a blog several weeks ago. Let children bring in games from home on Friday and play with their friends the last 30 minutes.

How about you?
Have you got any tips for energizing yourself and your students when you go back to school? Please email them to me ( and I’ll share them on my blog. Thanks! I love to learn new things!

I was looking through some old blogs and I saw this idea from KIRPC Head Start in Indiana. The teacher said she bought sheets, tied the ends with ribbons, and then hung them on hooks around the smart board. Wouldn’t this be a nice touch to your classroom in January!