Saturday, November 6, 2021


Have you ever heard of the 20-80 principal? About 20% of your effort at something yields 80% of the results. In other words, you can teach smarter doing some simple things that can impact learning in a big way. You might want to try one of these questioning strategies each day and then reflect on the children’s responses.

1-2-3 Tell 
Ask a question and then slowly count, “1, 2, 3.” When you say, “Tell,” the children all say the answer.

Thumbs Up Thinking
Tell children to stick up their thumb next to their chest if they have learned something. Stick up fingers for each additional thing you’ve learned.

Whisper & Release 
Children whisper the answer in their fists. When the teacher says, “Release,” the students open their fists.

Right Now! Right Now! Right Now! 
Children stop and freeze. Teacher asks, “Who can tell me something right now that they’ve learned that they didn’t know when they came to school this morning?”

Sign Language (Yes/No) 
Teach children the signs for “yes” (wiggle fist in the air) and “no” (touch index and middle finger to thumb like a mouth closing). You can also use cards with “Yes” and “No” written on them.

How Much Do You Know? 
Children hold up on their fingers from 1-5 to indicate how much they know about a particular topic.

Engage All Students 
Call on students who raise their hands as well as those who don’t.