Wednesday, January 12, 2022


Here's a book your students will WANT to write in! It can be used as a letter book, for retelling the sequence of a story, for writing sight words or spelling words, for original stories, for math, science - you name it!

Materials: 2 sheets of paper, a craft stick, rubber band, and hole punch 

Directions: Fold two sheets of paper in half and cut along the folded line. Stack these and fold in half again. Hole punch on the folded side about 1 ½” from each end. Push one end of the rubber band through one hole and insert the end of the popsicle stick through the loop. Push the other end of the rubber band through the other hole and insert the other end of the popsicle stick through that loop.

Hint! To make a bigger book just fold several sheets of paper in half.

Cut up halfway as shown to make a book of onsets and rimes.

Make a nature book by substituting a real stick. 


*A novelty pencil can become a journal or a seasonal book.

*A plastic fork or spoon makes a cookbook.


*How about a candy cane or cinnamon stick?

*Make a color book by using a crayon.Popsicle Stick Book