Thursday, February 17, 2022


I realize I'm a dinosaur and I don't know much about what's going on with social media.  However, I have felt your stress, frustration, and unhappiness this school year.  It breaks my heart when I read about your schedules, assessments, and expectations. I know it tears you apart when you want to do what's RIGHT for your children and your hands are tied. But, DON'T GIVE UP!!! I think the pendulum is about to swing because there is finally DATA to support what you and I have always believed is BEST for young children.

Please read this article and then pass it on to every administrator, parent, educational decision maker, politician, and everyone else you can think of!!!!

For years I have been saying, WHAT ARE WE DOING? WHAT'S THE POINT? WHAT HAPPENED TO THE WHOLE CHILD? Children have one chance in a lifetime to hold hands, sing, dance, paint, make believe, play outside, explore, and have FUN!!! They will have a lifetime to sit in front of a computer, take tests, and be judged!



If you cover every objective in the curriculum, but don’t have time to play outside or take field trips—
What’s the point of Pre-K and K?

If you do every page in the workbook, but don’t have time to laugh, do show and tell, or sing a song—
What’s the point of Pre-K and K?

If you know all your letters and sounds and numbers and sight words, but don’t know how to be a friend or share—
What’s the point of Pre-K and K?

If you score high on the standardized test, but don’t like school and don't feel good about yourself—
What’s the point of Pre-K and K?

If you master every skill and have 2 hours of screen time, but don’t have time to play in the block center or housekeeping or do puzzles or do a finger play -
What’s the point of Pre-K and K?

If teachers are so overwhelmed by the demands, expectations, and assessments they are given that they don’t have time to hug, smile, read, cheer, cherish, and look in the eyes of those wonderful little children in their classroom---
Then what’s the point of being a Pre-K or Kindergarten teacher?

BALANCE is a key to a happy life. We don't have to throw out technology and skills, but we do need to remember what's best for little children and balance academics with play. Slow down and smell the roses!!!