Sunday, January 1, 2023


If I were in charge of the world, these would be my GOALS FOR 2023.

I would start each day by greeting my children with a smile and a handshake – just because!

I would sing a song to start my day – just because!

Every day I would read a book that I like to my children – just because!

I would take my class out for recess every day (yeah, old fashion run around and do whatever you want) – just because!

I would do a finger play each day – just because!

I would do cheers each day – just because!

I would end our day with a song – just because!

And I would shut my door and have more FUN – just because Dr. Jean said I should because I will be happier and my children will be, too!!!

I found this idea that Brenda Lee Hernandez shared several years ago. Her statements are based on her school’s six pillars, but your students could think of 5 or 6 original statements. Write them on a language experience chart and then begin the day by sticking up your thumbs and repeating them.

I am respectful.
I am trustworthy.
I am responsible.
I am fair.
I am caring.
I use good manners.
I use kind words.
I can do it.
*Role-play these positive behaviors.
*Let students make books called “Thumbs Up for 2023.”


Step into 2023
You'll need is some funky duct tape for this project. Each day write some information you want to reinforce on a sheet of heavy paper and tape it to the floor with the funky tape by the classroom door. Children repeat the information each time as they go in and out the door. For example:
Letters - children say the letter and something that starts with the sound
Math facts - children say the answer
Sight words - children read the word
*Hint! You could also make letters, numbers, or shapes on the floor with the duct tape.

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
Make a brochure by folding a piece of paper into thirds. Label the sections “Yesterday”…”Today…”Tomorrow…” Children draw what they were like when they were little (babies or toddlers), what they look like now, and what they will be like when they are grown-up.
*You could also let children make a time line of their lives. 

Soaring in 2023 
Let children draw (or write) goals for the New Year on a blank sheet of paper. Fold the paper into an airplane. Children state their goal and then fly their plane across the room (or outside).

Sharing Good News (Jessica Williams)
Write children’s names on craft sticks and place in a jar that says “Good News.” The teacher starts every morning by sharing her own “good news.” The children clap or cheer for her. Next, she pulls a stick and the class sings, "Tell me something good!" That child shares their good news and then the class does a cheer. The teacher pulls the second stick and they sing, "Tell me something good" and then cheer. Do three children each day and then put those who have had a turn in an envelope and start all over again when everyone has had a turn.