Friday, January 27, 2023


This is a perfect way to integrate vocabulary and give your students something to look forward to next week. On Monday explain that you will have a “vocabulary parade” on Friday. They will each need to think of a special word that describes them. (You can call these “Fancy Nancy” words or ask them to get their parents to help them think of a big, new word!)

Encourage them to come up with their word by Wednesday, and then use their word as a writing activity. Have them write their word, the definition, use it in a sentence, and then illustrate it.

On Friday give them a long strip of paper or a sentence strip. After writing their word they get to decorate it with markers, glitter, etc. Pin the words on them and let them parade around the room to music. One at a time children pretend they are on the “runway” and model their words. As they model they tell their classmates their word, the definition, and why they chose it.

Holiday Every Day!
This is another great way to extend vocabulary. (K.J.’s third grade teacher Mr. D used this strategy and it was amazing how K.J. connected with the words.) Each day announce what holiday it is and tie in a vocabulary word with the holiday. (There are several websites where you can find random holidays for each day.) For example, on “National Milkshake Day” you could teach the word “savor” or “scrumptious.”

We’re great, but no one knows it.
No one knows it so far.
Some day they’ll realize how wonderful we are!
They’ll look at us, and point at us, and then they’ll shout, “Hurray!”
Let’s cheer how we’re wonderful beginning with A.
A- We’re awesome.
B- We’re brave.
C- We’re creative.
D- We’re dynamic
E- We’re enthusiastic
F- We’re fantastic.
G- We’re gifted
H- We’re honest
I- We’re imaginative
J- We’re joyful.
K- We’re kind.
L- We’re lovable
M- We’re magnificent.
N- We’re nice.
O- We’re outgoing
P- We’re polite.
Q- We’re quick.
R- We’re responsible
S- We’re special.
T- We’re terrific.
U- We’re unique.
V- We’re valuable.
W- We’re wonderful.
X- We’re excellent.
Y- We’re youthful
Z- We’re zany!

*Give each child a letter to illustrate. Put their pictures together to make a class book.

Hint! One teacher said her class sang this song for their end of the year program. Each child held up a letter and said the word.