Tuesday, May 23, 2023


How about some outdoor art activities? These activities can be adapted for field day, a beach party, or summer camp.

Dirt Painting

Materials: dirt, water, plastic container, brushes, paper
Directions: Mix the dirt with water to make a thick liquid. Paint a picture with brushes or with fingers.
Adaptations: Look for different types of soil to create different shades of “dirt” paint.

Ice Cube Painting
Materials: plastic ice cube tray, paint, craft sticks, paper
Directions: Pour paint in ice cube trays and insert a craft stick in each section. Freeze. Pop the “paint cubes” out of the tray and swirl around on the paper. As the paint melts, it will create a design.
Adaptations: Make similar ice cubes with water and liquid water color.

Wheel Painting
Materials: toy cars, trucks, and other vehicles with wheels, paint, newsprint or large sheets of paper, paper plates
Directions: Put a small amount of paint in the paper plates. Dip the wheels of the vehicles in the paint, and then “drive” them across the paper.
Adaptations: Give children rubber fishing worms and dip them in paint. Wiggle across a sheet of paper to make designs.


Food Color Dip
Materials: 4 small cups, food coloring, paper towels, water
Directions: Take the cups and put water and a large squirt of food coloring in each cup. Children take a paper towel and fold it into a small square. They dip each corner in a different color. Open and dry.

Fence Painting
Materials: large sheets of paper, clothespins, paints, paint brushes
Directions: Attach large sheets of paper to a fence with clothespins.
Children can freely paint on the paper.

Fly Swatter Painting
Materials: butcher paper, fly swatter, paint, paper plate
Directions: Tape a large sheet of butcher paper to a fence. Put a small amount of paint on a paper plate. Let children dip a fly swatter in paint and then “swat” it on the paper.
*Let children make bugs out of thumbprints on the paper before using the fly swatters. 

Window Painting
Materials: shaving cream (non-menthol)
Directions: Squirt shaving cream on windows and let children fingerpaint. Clean up is easy with a hose.