Saturday, June 17, 2023


Music is the "dessert" of life and the curriculum. If you're not singing every day, you're missing a little magic. Even if you think that you "can't sing," don't worry about it.  Your children have probably never heard the songs before and they won't know the difference.  You just have to be enthusiastic and have a good time.

I've heard people comment about my recorded music and complain, "That lady can't sing."  Well, I know that, but I sure know how to have a good time with kids.  Funny, but a child has never complained about my voice.

P.S. One teacher told me, "Dr. Jean, I do the motions different every time because I can't remember them."  I said, "That's just fine.  Tell your kids that 'muscle confusion' is good for the brain."  (And that's the truth!  I didn't make it up!)

P.S.S.  How many of you have ever had one of my silly songs stuck in your brain????


Silly songs are a great way to release wiggles and nurture a classroom community.

Directions: Children can sit in their chairs as they do this traditional dance.

Bounce out those wiggles as you stand and sit.