Monday, June 5, 2023


Yes, sometimes you just have to SHUT YOUR DOOR, follow your heart, and do what is best for your children.  (It also is easier to ask forgiveness than permission!)

Here is a sign that one teacher told me she put on her door.  I showed it at a workshop and a participant came up at the end and said, "Dr. Jean, I don't think my principal would like that."  Well, sometimes you just have to have a sense of humor!!!

P.S. One year I had an "issue" with an administrator. I happened to be teaching adults at the time and I was standing up for something I believed in. It broke my heart and my spirit, but I will never forget what a student said to me: "Dr. Jean, don't let them take away your joy!" I tell you that because NOBODY CAN EVER TAKE AWAY YOUR JOY IF YOU DON'T LET THEM!!!


Let’s Look Important! 
Diane Ringer told me she taught her children how to "look important."  I think it would be perfect when you have an unexpected visitor walk into your room.

Would you like to know how to look important? 
Put your right hand over your heart like this. (Demonstrate)
Put your left hand across your chest and fold your arms like this. (Demonstrate)
Lift up your chin and smile importantly.
Now look at all my important people!