Sunday, July 2, 2023


You know you're going to have a great year if you plant these "good seeds" in children!

I Am Special
(Tune: “Where Is Thumbkin?”)
I am special.
I am special.
Take a look.
You will see.
You will see.
Someone very special.
Someone very special.
And it’s me!
And it’s me!

Class Pledge (Brenda Stremmel)
Make a class flag from the children’s handprints, and then teach children this pledge:
I pledge to myself on this day
To try to be kind in every way.
To every person big or small
I will help them if they fall.
I will love myself and others, too.
That’s the best that I can do!

Important Person
(Tune: “Lassie and Laddie”)
Child’s name is important, important, important.
Child’s name is important to you and to me.
At work and at play
He/she does his/her best each day.
Child’s name is important to you and to me.
*Choose one child at a time and hold them in your lap as you sing the song.

How Does My Teacher Feel about Me?
Teacher says, "How does my teacher feel about me?"
Children respond:
"I'm as special as special can be" (Open and close twinkle fingers.)
because my teacher believes in me.! (Hug self.)

Hand Hug

The children hold hands and form a circle. The teacher begins the hand hug by squeezing the child’s hand on her right as she says something positive about them. That child then squeezes the hand of the person on her right and makes a positive comment. Continue going around the circle giving a “hand hug” and a positive comment.

Looking through My Window
(Tune: “Go in and out My Window”)
I’m looking through my window.
I’m looking through my window.
I’m looking through my window,
And I see my friend (child’s name).

*Take an old picture frame and spray paint it gold or silver. Glue on “jewels” or
glitter. Hold it in front of your face as you sing the song. Pass it to different
children as you use their name in the song.