Sunday, August 6, 2023



In the dramatic play area children have the opportunity to role-play real life situations, release emotions, practice language, develop social skills and express themselves creatively. Use shelves or furniture to create a cozy nook for your housekeeping area. A rug, pictures, and curtains will add a homey feel.


Hint! Slowly introduce accessories so the children aren’t overwhelmed and appreciate new items.


Pretend kitchen equipment made from wood or plastic (stove, refrigerator, sink)

Pots, pans, dishes

Dress-up clothes purses, hats, shoes, jewelry

Full-length mirror

Table and chairs

Dolls and doll clothes

Stuffed animals


Doll bed, blankets

Baby carriage

Toy ironing board and iron

Empty food boxes and containers

Toy food


Broom, mop, carpet sweeter

Paper, pencil


*Window - 
Add a window by attaching a mirror or landscape picture to a wall. Tape construction paper strips to look like a window frame, and then add fabric cut like a curtain.


Vary the dramatic play area with prop boxes that relate to different units of study or to extend children’s interests.

Grocery Store
Empty food boxes and cans, grocery sacks, grocery cart or wagon, shelves, cash register, play money, cardboard boxes , paper and pencils, purses, billfolds

Post Office
Envelopes, paper, pencils and pens, rubber stamps, stamp pad, stickers, partitioned box, cash register, play money, bag or sack for carrying mail, wagon or mail truck

Pet Shop
Stuffed animals, puppets, cardboard boxes for cages, plastic bowls, brush, towel, cash register, pet toys

Paper plates, napkins, plastic cups, silverware, tray, notepad, pencils, apron, chef’s hat, menus, cash register, play food, phone, carry-out food containers, such as a pizza box

*Glue pictures of food in pie pans or frozen dinner trays.

Flower Shop
Plastic pots, artificial flowers, gloves, seed catalogs, baskets, watering can, play garden tools, phone, notepad

Doctor’s Office
Stethoscope, tongue depressors, cotton, ace bandages, eye chart, dolls, notepad and pencils, wagon for ambulance, phone, scrub suit and mask

Sleeping bag, backpack, canteen, stones and sticks for fire, blankets to make a tent, fishing pole

Birthday Party
Invitations, party plates, cups, napkins, hats, favors, goodie bags, wrapping paper, tape, ribbon, empty boxes, greeting cards