Thursday, September 28, 2023


Is a bat a bird or a mammal? 
Look on the internet and you'll discover amazing bat facts. 
(I learned a few new things today at this site:

You'll also learn some fantastic activities with plastic bat rings on my blog!

Where's Batty?
Turn four or five cups upside down as shown and write sight words (letters, numbers, etc.) on them. Explain that "Batty" is going to hide under one of the cups. Have children close their eyes and “hide” the bat under one of the cups. Children take turns calling out a word and looking under that cup for the bat. The child who finds the bat gets the next turn to hide it.

Sticky Drippy Spiders  

Your students will also be delighted with this bottle. Pour about 1 cup of clear corn syrup in a plastic bottle. (The amount you need will depend on the size of the bottle. I really like to use larger round containers, but this was the only one I had on hand.) Add a few drops of red and yellow food coloring and swirl around to make orange. Add a few plastic bats and spiders and watch them do their thing. (I cut the ring part off these.)

I Spy Bottle! 

Several years ago we were eating in a Mexican restaurant in October and there were little Halloween toys in the spice bottles. It was interesting to watch adults, children, and families at every table trying to identify the objects. I guarantee this bottle will capture your students' interest! 

You will need a clear plastic bottle or jar, salt or sand, and small seasonal toys. Fill the container 2/3 full with salt or sand. Insert the toys and then screw on the top. Shake.
*How many objects can the children find? 

*Pass around the bottle and let each child make a complete sentence starting with "I spy a..." 

*Have each child repeat what the previous child says and then add something they see. First child: I spy a spider. Second child: I spy a spider and a bat. Third child: I spy a spider and a bat and a cat. 

*Ask younger children to draw what they see in the bottle. 

*Have older students make a list of everything they find in the bottle. 

*Can they write a story using the objects in the bottle?

*Use the bottle to reward children who are working quietly or children who are resting quietly. 

Bats in a Cave
Make a cave from a disposable bowl by turning it upside down and cutting an arch as shown. Display a certain number of bats. Put some in the cave and ask children, "How many do you see? How many do you think are in the cave?"

Ring Hunt 
Children love to hunt for eggs at Easter, but they’ll also have fun hunting for plastic rings in the classroom or out on the playground.