Wednesday, January 10, 2024


Learning to monitor one’s voice is part of speaking and listening standards and essential to classroom life. Here are a few strategies to help children become more aware of appropriate times to use a loud and soft voice.

Picture Cues
How about having a picture of a lion, a mouse, and a child? When they can talk in a regular voice put up the child. When you want them to use a whisper voice post the mouse, and when they can use a loud voice (like when they go outside) put up the lion. 

Songs, Chants, Poems 
Practice singing songs or saying rhymes with a “lion,” “mouse,” or “normal” voice.

Quiet Friends
Put several small character toys in a lunch box. Explain that you have little friends in the lunch box who have teeny tiny ears. They can only come up if the children use teeny tiny voices. Take the friends out as you begin using a whisper voice. If the children get too loud say, “Oh, I’ll have to put our little friends back in the box because you’re hurting their ears.” You’ll be amazed how quiet they will be!

Alphabet Conductor 
Explain to the children that you will be the conductor as they sing the alphabet song. When your hands are close together they should whisper, but as your hands get farther apart they should sing louder. As you bring your hands closer together they should lower their voices to a whisper.

Volume Button 
Use a cylinder block for a microphone. Attach a sticky dot for a volume button. Pass the “microphone” around the room for the children to say “Good morning!” or another simple phrase. Remind them to turn the volume up if their voice is too soft. Turn the volume down if their voice is too loud. 

Simon Says 
Play “Simon Says” as you ask children to clap, stomp, or make other noises loud or soft.
Simon says clap loud.
Simon says clap soft.
Simon says hum loud.
Simon says hum soft.
Stomp loud. Oops! Simon didn’t say!

Three Cheers
Teacher says: Give me cheer number one. (Hold up one finger.)
Children cheer loudly.
Teacher says: Give me cheer number two. (Hold up two fingers.)
Children cheer a little softer.
Teacher says: Give me cheer number three. (Hold up 3 fingers.)
Children give a silent cheer.