Sunday, September 22, 2024


These mini-offices will help students organize their work space and minimize clutter. They will also encourage students to stay focused.

Tape two file folders together for each child. Let them decorate the outside with markers, magazine pictures, trading cards, etc. Adapt the information you put on the inside of the office to the age and skills of the child.

For example, you might have alphabet letters, colors, numbers, and shapes for younger children.

Use a copy of sight words, letter formation, and a hundreds chart for older students.

Use one side for literacy skills and the other side for math activities.

Working On and Finished
You could also use 2 pocket folders to make a word wall office. Children can insert papers they are working on in the left and work they have finished on the right.

Hint! Let students clean out each other’s desks with a partner every Friday.

Catch Up Folder

Students keep a “catch up folder” in their desk with work that needs to be completed.


A study carrel can also provide children with a special place to do independent work. You will need a large cardboard box. Cut off the top and one side as shown. After your child decorates the box it can be placed on a table and will eliminate distractions.