Monday, December 26, 2011


It’s the day after Christmas and time for leftovers and cleaning.  I hope you all have a special memory to treasure in your heart.  It’s sad to put away the lights and the “merry” until next year, so here are a few (inexpensive) ideas to make yourself feel better today!
  1. Go for a walk or get some exercise.
  2. Call someone (yes, on the phone) you haven’t talked to in a long time.
  3. Read a book.
  4. Go to a movie.
  5. Make some hot chocolate or have a cup of tea.
  6. Take a bubble bath.
  7. Put on some favorite music and dance by yourself.
  8. Look at photos or videos of Christmas.
  9. Take an imaginary vacation on the internet.
  10.  Make a list of all the things you have to be happy about.

Say, these are some pretty good ideas if I say so myself.  I might try a few before I get busy on the exciting ideas I’ve got coming up for you in the next few days.