Thursday, December 22, 2011


Hi blog buddies!

I am so excited to be finished with the January Monthly Activity that I just had to tell someone!!!  I have been working weeks and weeks on "Vocabulary Vitamins" and it's finally finished.  Whew!  Well, I never really am satisfied with things, but it needs to go to my webmaster today, so I must stop.  Anyway, here's the preface, but you'll have to check out my website on January lst to get your "Vocabulary Vitamins" for the New Year.

Vocabulary is like everything else we do in early childhood.  It’s not a one shot deal, but a myriad of experiences that create each child’s language tapestry.  And they are all as bright and beautiful and colorful as the individual children that you teach!  I hope you will find some vitamins this month to spark word ownership in the coming year!

My cup overflows with happiness, and I send a little to all of you!