Sunday, August 19, 2012


b.  Recognize that spoken words are represented in written language by specific sequences of letters.

Name Puzzles – Write children’s names on a sentence strip.  Cut between the letters.  Place the puzzle pieces in an envelope.  Write each child’s name and glue their photo to the front of the envelope.  Children can practice putting the puzzles together and reading friends’ names.
*Make name puzzles with Unifx cubes.
BINGO – Turn a favorite song into a learning opportunity with this activity.  Write the letters B-I-N-G-O on paper plates.  Draw the shape of a hand on the back of each plate.  Pass the plates out to five students.  Explain that everybody has a letter, but when you put them together it makes a word.  This word is the name of a dog we like to sing about.  Sing the song by having the children turn over their letter to reveal a hand at the appropriate time to clap.
Mystery Person – This activity is similar to the game of “Hangman.”  The teacher says, “Give me a drum roll…”  (Children pat their hands on their thighs.)  “The mystery person today has 5 letters in her name.”  (Teacher draws 5 blanks on the board.)  The children take turns calling out letters as the teacher writes them on the appropriate line.  If the letter is not in the name, they go in a “bone pile” at the bottom.