Saturday, August 18, 2012


Making their own “mini-office” will be a great project for your students when school starts. 

Materials:   2 file folders for each child
                  wide packaging tape
                  copy of class word wall, hundreds chart,
                  markers, crayons, old magazines
Directions   Tape two file folders together for each child.  Let them decorate the outside with markers, magazine pictures, trading cards, stickers, etc.  Staple a copy of the word wall, correct letter formation, color words, or other pertinent information to the file folders.  When children write in their journals or do independent work, they can stand up their “offices” on their desks. 

*Use one side of the office for language arts and the other side for math. 
A hundreds chart, days of the week, months, math mat, etc. could be used.
*Use 2 pocket folders to make a mini-office.  Children can insert papers
they are working on in the left and work they have finished on the right.
*Adapt these offices to skills you are working on.  For younger children, you can make an alphabet office.